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mobile unit 活動專門設備車〔如廣播宣傳車、巡回愛克斯光檢查車、電視攝...

mobile warfare

This paper fist introduces gps gis communication method between mobile unit and monitoring center and the method of system integration . further it expresses the global structure , functions working principle and system specialties based on general broadcasting station . at last it explicitly describes the monitoring center “ s software 本文首先闡述了全球定位系統( gps ) 、地理信息系統( gis ) 、移動單元與監控中心之間的通訊方式和系統集成的方法,繼而介紹了在常規電臺通訊方式下系統的總體結構、功能、工作原理和系統特點,最后重點對監控中心的軟件進行了詳細的說明。

The avls gis system embraces global positioning system and geographic information system technologies to enable call takers and dispatchers in the rccc to identify instantly the location of incidents and police mobile units on digital maps 自動車輛顯示位置及地域資訊系統采用全球定位系統和地理信息系統科技。總區指揮及控制中心內負責接收緊急來電或調派人手的人員,可以在數碼地圖上快速地確定事故和警車的位置。

Article 3 “ ship “ as referred to in this code means sea - going ships and other mobile units , but does not include ships or craft to be used for military or public service purposes , nor small ships of less than 20 tons gross tonnage 第三條本法所稱船舶,是指海船和其他海上移動式裝置,但是用于軍事的、政府公務的船舶和20總噸以下的小型船艇除外。

Introduced the design thinking , frame principle , architecture and function of this system , mobile unit , network control center , operation control center is included in function design 闡述了物流配送輔助系統的設計思想,構成原理,體系結構及功能設計。功能設計包括:車載端、網絡控制中心和操作員控制中心。

The siemens mobile unit , with 6 , 000 employees , will remain headquartered in siemens ' home town munich , a concession that could help assuage union concerns 西門子手機部門擁有6000名雇員,其業務總部仍將留在西門子大本營慕尼黑,這是可能有助于安撫工會擔憂的一個妥協。

This function enables dispatchers to deploy the closest mobile unit to handle the incident and thus improves police response time to emergency service requests 這項功能有助控制人員調動最接近現場的警車處理事故,從而提高警隊處理緊急求助的效率。

There were no mobile units and there was a desperate need to recruit medical trainees and convey his knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the soldiers 沒有移動的設備,急需征召實習醫生,將他的知識和技能傳授給他們,以滿足部隊的需要。

This forces the defender to put a premium on mobile unit who can rush out to intercept enemy stacks before they reach the cities 所以防御者必須非常重視機動單位? ?這些單位可以在敵人接近之前突破敵陣。

The mobile unit makes regular circuit to member factories at least twice a year , depending on the number of employees 本委員會另一方面亦與有關主管機關保持密切聯系,接受輔導。

Our education mobile unit reaches over 30 , 000 students through 100 out - reach programme visits 本會的流動教育組舉辦100個外展教育活動,向超過30 , 000名學生宣揚環境保護信息。

As a general rule , mobile units are more beneficial than stationary defenses 活動單位能帶來比靜止防御單位更多的益處,這是一條將軍準則。

Mobile and fixed offshore units - electrical installations - part 5 : mobile units 移動和固定的近海工程裝置.電氣安裝.第5部分:移動裝置

Which organization do you contact with for the information of boi ' s mobile unit 下列那一個單位是您取得和泰國投資署人員接洽的來源

Mobile unit , come in 移動洙位,聽見了嗎

Mobile and fixed offshore units - electrical installations - mobile units 移動和固定的近海工程裝置.電氣設備.移動裝置

Paul , mobile unit , street - side 保羅,作為機動單位,在街上

Zhejiang mobile unit division management system 浙江移動片區劃管理系統